達賴喇嘛尊者 『慈悲心精華』傳授 敬請把握!
The quintessence of Compassion 慈悲心精華
Dalai Lama 達賴喇嘛at the Beacon Theatre, Monday, May 4th, 2009
〈星期一 5月4日 2009年〉
Tickets On Sale Starting Wednesday, December 17th at 9 A.M.
〈12月17日2008年 開始售票〉
日期:2009/1/05 00:05 Buddha dharma NPO
● His Holiness the XIV Dalai Lamafor a one-day teaching on Monday, May 4 (2 sessions, 9:30-11:30 and 2:00-4:00pm) The Quintessence of Compassion: His Holiness will give a discourse on universal compassion, sNying-rje Chen-po, Universal Great Heart, the essence of the Buddhas teaching. He will base this teaching on Master Chandrakirtis (7th century) famous opening verses of his Introduction to the Middle Way, where the great sage of Nalanda Universitypays homage to compassion above all, and gives a beautiful simile about the three types of great compassion, using the image of the moon reflected in the water of a pond .
●達賴喇嘛尊者將於2009年5月4日一天時間兩場傳授(2 sessions, 9:30-11:30 and 2:00-4:00pm)慈悲心精要‧尊者 依佛陀教法本質將傳授完整的慈悲心與大悲心及月稱菩薩於公元7世紀於廣博睿智 印度那瀾陀大學傳授完整的慈悲心內容〈月稱菩薩是公元7世紀印度大乘佛教中觀學派的著名論師〉。尊者傳授智慧美麗微笑表達三種大悲心及使用池中月影之比喻與描述。
Master Chandrakirtis (600–c. 650) (7th century)月稱菩薩
Ticket Prices are: $50, $70, $90, $110 & $130.
Price Includes a $4.50 Facility Charge. Disabled Services Dept at 212.465.6115.
Tickets are available through Madison Square Garden & Radio City Music Hall box offices. Contact Ticketmaster 212.307.4111.
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美國 Beacontheatre