更新日期:2012/03/12 19:02:51
Day 1 - Kalachakra 時輪金剛 2012 Preliminary Teachings - YouTube
The first day of His Holiness the Dalai Lama's three day teaching on Kamalashila's "The Middling States of Meditation (gomrim barpa)", Gyalsey Thokme Sangpo's "37 Practices of A Bodhisattva (laklen sodunma)", Geshe Langri Thangpa's "Eight Verses of Training the Mind (lojong tsik gyema)", Nagarjuna's "The Praise to the World Transcendent (jigten ley deypar toepa)" and Khunu Lama Tenzin Gyaltsen's "The Precious Lamp in Praise of Bodhicitta (jangchup sem kyi toepa rinchen drolma)". These teachings were given on January 4-6, 2012, as part of the Kalachakra for World Peace held in Bodh Gaya, India. (www.dalailama.com)