5/26(三)薩嘎月月圆日,台北時間晚上20:30 我们將請求智慧金剛仁波切给予線上狮吼觀音的灌頂以及黄財神咒語的口傳。
我們將在YouTube 頻道hhtwcenter直播。
On May 26 (Wednesday), the Vesak day, at 8:30pm (Taipei time), we invite H.E. Gyana Vajra Rinpoche to bestow the Simhanada Avalokiteshvara Empowerment and the oral transmission of the mantra of Yellow Zhambala.
The practice of Simhanada Avalokiteshvara has great blessings. His mantra is extremely powerful and can remove various sickness and diseases, including the diseases and disasters caused by the nagas and the earth gods, and the incurable diseases such as leprosy, viruses, etc. Moreover, It helps to remove our delusions and karmic obscurations. And It is very effective. If there is no effects, it is due to our own karma. So, we must be more sincere to confess all of our negative karmas and practice diligently in order to gain incredible results.
薩迦文殊佛學會 https://www.facebook.com/hhtwcenter