日期:2011/08/16 喇嘛網 報導

美國哈佛大學的赫伯特•班森博士(Herbert Benson, M.D,1935-),就曾明確地說過:“西藏具有最卓越的內在科學文明,這即是藏傳佛教。它對心智影響身體的潛力之瞭解,西方是望塵莫及的。”
Herbert Benson, M.D. (born 1935), is an American cardiologist and founder of the Mind/Body Medical Institute at Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston. He graduated from Wesleyan University and Harvard Medical School.
Benson is Mind/Body Medical Institute Associate Professor of Medicine at Harvard Medical School and director emeritus of the Benson-Henry Institute (BHI). He is the author or co-author of more than 175 scientific publications and 11 books. More than four million copies of his books have been printed in many languages.
Benson participated in a dialogue that was held at Harvard in March 1991, as part of a conversation between scientists and Buddhists initiated by 14th Dalaï Lama, organized by the Mind and Life Institute. Book Review: MindScience.